Lub Peb Hlis 14, 2023, Greatway Technology tshaj tawm ua tiav lub Hoobkas tau txais ntawm Shenzhen Tam sim no Technology Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen Tam sim no). Thaum Lub Ib Hlis 4, Greatway Technology tau pom zoo nrog Shenzhen Tam sim no txog kev tau txais txhua qhov chaw tsim khoom. Tom qab qhov kev tau txais no, tag nrho cov khoom lag luam / thev naus laus zis / kev lag luam ntawm Shenzhen Tam sim no koom nrog pab pawg Greatway Technology raws li.
Nyob ntawm 5F Lub Tsev 2 ntawm Lihe Industrial Park, Greatway Technology yog RF tshaj fiber ntau kis tau tus mob khoom tsim lub tsev thiab Hoobkas txij li xyoo 2004, muab FTTH CATV receiver, RFoG ONU rau ftth cable modem, satellite ib leeg lossis Twin fiber optic LNB FTTH hla GPON, Ob. / Plaub lub satellites dhau ib qhov txuas fiber ntau, 3224MHz Satellite Fiber Txuas, GPON thiab GPON +, EoC, 1218MHz CATV optical transmitter thiab optical node, tshaj tawm hauv chav kawm AV / ASI / SDI fiber ntau txuas.
Nyob ntawm 2F Tsev 3 ntawm Lihe Industrial Park, Shenzhen Tam sim no Technology Co., Ltd. tsim thiab tsim fiber ntau optic modular transmitter, FTTH CATV receiver, powerless FTTH CATV receiver thiab lwm yam. Shenzhen Tam sim no yog tus neeg muag khoom pom zoo ntawm Comcast thiab lwm yam.
Cov khoom siv hauv qab no ntawm Shenzhen Tam sim no yog muab los ntawm Greatway Technology hereinafter.

ORN-1000SM F55 yog powerless CATV FTTH receiver, uas converts FTTH teeb liab rau CATV RF tsis muaj DC powered amplifier. Qhov pom zoo kho qhov muag lub zog ntawm lub hwj chim tsis muaj FTTH txais yog -2dBm rau analog TV lossis -8dBm rau DVB-C STB. ORN-2040AW yog FTTH txais nrog WDM rau ONU thiab 80dBuV tso zis ntawm ib lossis ob qhov chaw RF.

ORN-815T/1550 modular fiber optic transmitter thiab ORN-827H PVC F55 modular fiber optic receiver muab nqi-zoo tshuaj rau RF tshaj Fiber kis tau tus mob.
After this acquisition, Greatway Technology still offers the same prices and qualities products to former Shenzhen Current customers. Together with Greatway Technology leading technology on Satellite and CATV RF over fiber, Greatway has more products and better manufacturing capability to meet diversified demands on Satellite TV or CATV fiber to the home, fiber to the building. For more information, please contact
Post lub sij hawm: Mar-14-2023